Neighborhood job fair:

     “Neighborhood job fair “, quite a new term in our recruitment industry. Usually a job fair is conducted with very few IT companies and many of ITES companies. But IT and ITES market constitute just 6% - 8% of the total employment opportunities. Even though these kinds of job fairs partially serves the need of IT and ITES, there are plenty of other sectors who never get a chance to experience such job fairs to showcase their job offers and fix it up with right candidate. They often compromise with the candidates they get, since they don’t have proper recruitment methodologies to follow.

When our company analyzed the reason behind this issue, we found out that lack of proper platform for recruiting non IT/ ITES candidates formulates the major problem. We immediately worked on a model which can give this issue a proper solution. Since a major economic junk lies in this sector, we can easily make an economic revolution through with this solution.
Neighborhood job fair is a very special event conducted by our own which gives solutions for many recruitment problems.

For e.g.:  When an offer is available in zone 1 and candidate is available in zone 1, lack of awareness on this offer leads candidate from some other zone working in that offer.
To avoid this communication gap, Neighborhood job fair provides a wide platform for all genres of work including skilled and unskilled work force.

Benefits of Neighborhood Job Fairs: 

Ø  Neighborhood job fairs prominently helps candidates get offer very near to where they stay. This cuts down the travelling time of a candidate.
Ø   Neighborhood job fairs helps a candidate save more of money and time.
Ø  It also encourages more work forces to get ready for work, which was earlier dropped them because of the time consumed to travel to work place.
Ø  Non IT / ITES sectors now have a standard / prescribed way of recruitment which is also affordable and so getting the perfect work force will never be a problem henceforth.
Ø  Since non IT / ITES sector capitulates more than 90 % of the total economy this might considerably effect our economy in a positive way.

With all these significant benefits Neighborhood jobs fair stands tall with a proud face that, he is the real super hero who is going to help in saving the dropping Indian Economy.

1 comment:

  1. jobs fair is more important for jobs seekers so any time i can watch for jobs fair news..
